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德国林德集团成立于1879年,在全球拥有120多家分支机构,是构成法兰克福dax工业股票指数30家公司之一。林德集团的业务涉及两大领域:物料搬运,工业气体和配套工程。在上述领域,林德都处于世界领先地位。林德致力于创新科技以向用户提供最好的服务。<br>在物料搬运领域,林德多年来一直保持世界领先地位,向全球市场提供全系列产品以及全方位服务,也是世界上唯一将静压传动技术大规模应用于工业车辆的制造商。<br>林德(中国)叉车有限公司成立于1993年,是德国林德集团在亚洲的生产、销售、服务及技术支持基地,位于福建省美丽的海滨城市厦门,总投资17亿人民币。公司占地面积22万平方米,包括现代化的办公大楼及按照现代物流理念设计的联合厂房,是目前国内及至亚洲规模最大,技术设备最先进的叉车制造商。<br>林德(中国)现有员工1300多人,通过分布在全国各地 40余家分支机构 ,为国内市场提供包括内燃平衡重叉车、电动平衡重叉车、仓储叉车及重型叉车、防爆叉车等全系列的产品。高质量、高可靠性、高效率的林德叉车,已成为目前国内叉车市场的首选产品,林德(中国)也已成为中国机械500强企业之一。<br>长期以来,林德最重要的工作之一是建立一支高素质,奋发向上的员工队伍。通过目标管理体系使每个员工明确工作目标,通过规范的培训制度使员工队伍掌握完成目标所需的专业知识技能,通过团队合作完成目标任务。随着公司业务的拓展,诚聘有识之士加入林德行列,共同开拓中国事业。<br><br>符合所述要求的应聘者请将个人详细资料及近照一张,邮寄或email至本公司,并注明应聘职位。<br><br>established in 1879 in germany, the linde group, which has over 120 subsidiaries worldwide, is one of the 30 companies belonging to the frankfurt dax stock exchange. linde is involved in two main business segments: material handling and gas & engineering, linde enjoys leading postions in each of these business fields. linde is clearly geared towards innovation and technology to best serve its customers<br>in the material handling field, linde has been in the leading position worldwild for many years, offering a wide product range and full-line service. it is the only manufaturer that applies the linde hydrostatic transmission techonlogy in large-scale production for industrial truck.<br>linde(china) forklift truck corp.,ltd. was established in 1993 located in xiamen city, fujian province, linde(china) is the asian base of the linde group. it boasts wide production facilities, and extensive sales & service support teams. the total initial invesment was rmb 1.7 billion and our facilities cover square menters, which is the largest forklift truck manufacture in china. linde(china) is currently the leader for the sales of high quality forklift trucks. <br>linde(china) has over 1300 employees located in more than 40 subsidiaries in china to advise and serve our customers with the hightest professionalism.<br>we provide the full forklift truck product range to the market including internal combustion counterbalanced trucks, electric counterbalanced trucks, warehouse trucks, heavy trucks and explosion-proof trucks. linde forklift truck has become the reference brand in the chinese domestic market, synonymous with qulity, reliability and efficiency. years efforts, linde(china) becomes one of the top 500 of chinese mechanical companies.